Wednesday, March 16, 2011

My Day

Nothing to really report today. I got a bit of writing done. Nothing fantastic. A slightly better re-write of an old story I'd like to improve upon if and when I have time. Maybe over the summer.

I have a long project I have to do over the course of the next two nights that I really should start on. I am not looking forward to it though, so I am taking this little bit of time to get my daily rant out in the open. I find this to be an acceptable use of my time.

A girl I HIGHLY dislike sat in front of me in Driver's Ed today. Hopefully, the girl who normally sits in that will take it back tomorrow.

It was a rainy, icky day out. This did nothing for the latest rounds of depression and angst. And now I am just tired. Blegh. Perhaps tomorrow will be better for me. At least tomorrow is Thursday. The week is almost over, thank the gods and goddesses.

My heart is being stupid lately and it wont make up it's mind. I am hoping it will soon. It needs to quit being so damned indecisive about almost everything in existence.

Jib Jab made an interesting version of the star spangled banner with the presidents speaking. Out history teacher showed it to us today.

Also... On one of the seats in my bus, someone drew a fist sized operator symbol in blue pen. It wasn't my seat, thankfully. But I didn't notice it until it was just me and the bus driver on. And it surprised me, I'll admit. Oh well, I'm probably just over-reacting a bit.

Did you all know that  somnambulatory is a word? It is. And it's going to be on a vocabulary test in the near future. Good luck to me attempting to spell THAT out.

Criminology has been dull. We've been working on a project that all I've pretty much done is put my name on it. I feel kinda bad, but whatever. I'll either help better next time or have to work by myself. Either way, it'll work out.

On that note, I am tired and am going to go get my Driver's ed homework done early this week so I have more time for sprucing up my English project and perfecting my works cited page tomorrow.


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