Thursday, July 28, 2011

Slenderman, Driving, and Quilts

Started not one, but two new Slender blogs. One from the perspective of Uriel, my angry detective. And one from the perspective of Theta, a mythos savvy nerd.

This should be interesting. Lets hope I can keep up with them both. Of course, now I have to go follow a bunch of blogs on both accounts, and try to keep up.

Also, I set up my first appointment for driving lessons today. I start Monday. I'm so nervous but totally excited.

I started a quilt yesterday. Here's the very simple plan for it:
Crappy looking plan is crappy     
I'll post pictures when it's finished. I'm hand sewing it, so it'll take a while :3

I'm also going to a fair sometime before Monday. And I'm going to a circus with my daddy on Saturday, so that should be lots of fun! I haven't been to a circus in forever, so I'm excited.


I almost forgot. My aunt stopped by today with my three cousins. It was a short visit, but it was nice to see them all again. My cousins got so big and look so old! D=

Alright, that's all for now~

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