Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Fairly productive day

As far as chores go, I got my laundry finished and put it away. I emptied and re-loaded the dishwasher. I cleaned off the top of my dresser and my desk. I put my Transformers action figures away. I fed the cats. I went out and got the mail and newspaper. And I set up the coffee pot so daddy doesn't have to in the morning. I also applied for my first college scholarship today, and might work on a few more in a little bit once I get my blog and vlog entries taken care of.

Oh, I don't know if I've mentioned the vlog on here before. I'm going to be doing a daily vlog for Vera while she's away at college. Todays was ridiculously long because I have no life, but whatever. I also took a bunch of cute pictures which I will include at the bottom of one of my little stuffed animal "family"s. Anyway, Vlogs for V is a lot of fun so far. But I also have the videos set to private, so no links. Sorry everyone.

I also started a dream journal today. I kind of need to, I'm having some really weird dreams lately. So, since I want to be able to remember them and laugh, and perhaps even share a few of them with you, I'll be jotting them down in my dream journal.

I know the entry about my weekend without power is super late, and that super long entry will be my next post, and I plan on writing that as soon as I finish this one here. As you can see, I'm feeling uber motivated today.

On a side note, I've been like constantly hungry the past few days. It's really weird.  Maybe I'll google possible causes and scare the crap out of myself. Or maybe my body is just being finicky. I don't really know. It's probably nothing.

I really need to get my stepmom to switch my pediatrician so I can go to the doctors. I've had a weird lump on my chest for a while now and I kind of want to know what it is. Hopefully nothing serious.

Oh! I'm sure I mentioned the Rotweiler that stayed at my house a few weeks ago. Well, she was pregnant, and just had her litter! She had 5 pups. They are SO CUTE! I honestly want to go and steal one. The mom was really sweet, so I'm pretty sure they would be awesome puppies. I doubt it will happen though, dad says we don't have time for a dog. Oh well, right?

 Alright, that's pretty much. I've been up since like 8 this morning, so I'm feeling kinda tired. It's less sleep than I've gotten used to, but I have to start adjusting for the school year. I'm going to post the pictures than work on my other entry.

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